A Policy of Copyright Protection Using Authentication Key Based on Digital Watermarking

Many multimedia documents are produced and distributed widely for many applications. And those many multimedia documents are spread fast through the Internet. But there have been illegal behaviors that many unauthorized users transform multimedia and use illegally so, legal issues for copyrighted multimedia arise as a necessary consequence. In this paper, we propose a procedure for secure watermarking using authentication key when a multimedia document is used by authorized user in the Internet or distributed information systems. Before a client requests using a multimedia document from the application server, the user acquires authentication key from the authentication server. And then the application inserts a watermark into the multimedia document comparing the client's authentication key with that of authentication server. And the authentication key is inserted into the multimedia as a digital watermark. The proposed digital watermarking algorithm can be used for inserting authentication number like serial number of the multimedia. So, the owner of the multimedia document can get copyright based on authentication server. Using the digital watermark with authentication number of a multimedia document the owner of the document can assert copyright ownership.