Anthologies of British poetry : critical perspectives from literary and cultural studies
Barbara KORTE: Flowers to be picked: Anthologies of Poetry in (British) Literary and Cultural Studies. Robert CRAWFORD: Poetry, Memory, and the Nation. Jonathan BARKER: Poetry and Readers: A View from Diverse Councils. Tony LACEY: The Anthology Problem: A Publisher's View. Joerg O. FICHTE: Medieval Lyrics in Twentieth-Century Anthologies: Defining the Canon. Christoph BODE: Re-definitions of the Canon of English Romantic Poetry in Recent Anthologies. Arno LOFFLER: Anthologising English Poetry for (German) Students. Iain GALBRAITH: Anthologizing Scottish Poetry. Christopher HARVIE: The Northern Muse. Julian LETHBRIDGE: The Anthology as a Guide to Early Modern Reading Practices. Monika GOMILLE: Anthologies of the Early Seventeenth Century: Aspects of Media and Authorship. Barbara BENEDICT: Connoisseurship and the Literary Collection. Christine BAATZ: Printing the Flowers: Aspects of Typography in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Anthologies. The Case of Percy's Reliques. Stefanie LETHBRIDGE: Reading the Eighteenth-Century Long Poem as an Anthology. Klaus Peter MULLER: Victorian Values: Palgrave's Golden Treasury. Daniel GOSKE: Transatlantic Modernism in Poetry Anthologies. Hans-Werner LUDWIG: Make It New: The Politics of Poetry Anthologies in English from the Sixties to the Present Day. Michael HULSE: The Critical Reception of The New Poetry. Ralf SCHNEIDER: Of Love, Cats and Football: Popular Anthologies in Britain Today - Between Culture and Commodity? Thomas ROMMEL: Eliza Doolittle and the Virtual Text: The Future of Electronic Anthologies.