Computer modeling in developmental biology: growing today, essential tomorrow

D'Arcy Thompson was a true pioneer, applying mathematical concepts and analyses to the question of morphogenesis over 100 years ago. The centenary of his famous book, On Growth and Form, is therefore a great occasion on which to review the types of computer modeling now being pursued to understand the development of organs and organisms. Here, I present some of the latest modeling projects in the field, covering a wide range of developmental biology concepts, from molecular patterning to tissue morphogenesis. Rather than classifying them according to scientific question, or scale of problem, I focus instead on the different ways that modeling contributes to the scientific process and discuss the likely future of modeling in developmental biology. Summary: This Review explores how modeling-based approaches can aid our understanding of developmental processes such as molecular patterning and tissue morphogenesis, highlighting their advantages and limitations, and their crucial role in future research.

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