Development of a Miniaturized RF Ion Engine System for Commercial and Scientific applications

The typical advantages of electric propulsion are known for long and and an increasing number of spacecrafts is equipped with EP for North-South-Station Keeping, orbit transfer or as primary propulsion system in case of interplanetary probes. An new and emerging field is the high precision positioning and orbit control of spacecrafts. Especially formation flying benefits from the high accuracy in thrust of EP systems. Challenging missions and their demands for the propulsion system are described. The description highlights the need of miniaturised electric propulsion systems. Amoung all the different EP concepts, radiofrequency ion thrusters show excellent scalability,also for down scaling. Astrium, University of Giesen and their partners have been working in the field of radio-frequency propulsion technology for long. Their approach, bases on a flight proven technology is presented. The basic principle is explained together with the technology's heritage. Test results complete the publication.