Android, GIS and Web Base Project, Emergency Management System (EMS) Which Overcomes Quick Emergency Response Challenges

The golden time and measure of agility during the emergency is that hour when the incident has occurred. Recovery and response should be served promptly to minimize the risk of losing life and property. Therefore this paper examines(analyze) and determines(clarifies) the concurrent(real time) application of Android, GIS, and web base system that is focusing on those exceptional areas where the emergency system is not very much efficient or is not very much agile (effective). Most emergency situation occurs due to fire, road accidents or natural disasters, this paper analyzes GIS data of transport systems, incident location, hospitals, ambulance and observing teams, police, fire brigades etc, spatial data analysis can also done for past incident scrutiny (analysis) by using ArcGIS server manager at the backend designed by all the basic map interaction WCF services in ASP.NET which can be able to respond on all sort of needs required by the responder by using his/her smart android phone.