분산 서버 클러스터 시스템의 부하 분산 및 성능 분석 시뮬레이션

A distributed server cluster system is a cost-effective system to provide a service application for clients with reliable, scalable, available, and fault-tolerant features. In order to provide high quality services, it is necessary to evaluate service performances, tune the server system, and analyze performances. In this paper, we propose a simulator to generate workloads based on statistic configuration according to estimated application traffics, apply workload scheduling algorithms, and evaluate the simulation results. We introduce the simulator design modelling and architecture. By using flexible parameters, the simulator is able to generate various patterns of workloads with different statistics, and configure system environments such as the number of server nodes, system resources considered, and their capacities. With this simulator, we introduce two scenarios: one is to find appropriate thresholds for the best performance of cluster system, and the other is to find the suitable scheduling algorithm for workload characteristics of service applications.