Random Walks in Hypergraph

Random walks on graphs have been extensively used for a variety of graph-based problems such as ranking vertices, predicting links, recommendations, and clustering. However, many complex problems mandate a high-order graph representation to accurately capture the relationship structure inherent in them. Hypergraphs are particularly useful for such models due to the density of information stored in their structure. In this paper, we propose a novel extension to defining random walks on hypergraphs. Our proposed approach combines the weights of destination vertices and hyperedges in a probabilistic manner to accurately capture transition probabilities. We study and analyze our generalized form of random walks suitable for the structure of hypergraphs. We show the effectiveness of our model by conducting a text ranking experiment on a real world data set with a 9% to 33% improvement in precision and a range of 7% to 50% improvement in Bpref over other random walk approaches.

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