A small-angle neutron scattering spectrometer, suitable for the study of structural and magnetic inhomogeneities in materials in the 10 to 1000 A range, has been constructed at the National Bureau of Standards Research Reactor. The instrument is 8 m long and utilizes a mechanical velocity selector and pinhole collimation to provide a continuous incident beam whose wavelength is variable from 5 to 10 A. The neutron detector is a 65 × 65 cm position-sensitive proportional counter which pivots about the sample position to extend the angular range of the spectrometer. Features unique to this instrument include a multibeam converging collimation system for high-resolution measurements and an interactive color graphics terminal with specialized software for the rapid imaging and analysis of data from the two-dimensional detector. The design and characteristics of the spectrometer and data acquisition system are described in detail and examples of data are presented which illustrate its performance.
U. Dahlborg.
Book Review: Neutron Scattering in the Nineties. Proceedings from a Conference organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in cooperation with Jülich Nuclear Research Centre in Jülich, FRG, 14-18 January 1985
B. Ware.
Scattering techniques applied to supramolecular and nonequilibrium systems: Edited by S.-H. Chen, B. Chu, and R. Nossal, Plenum, New York. 1981. $95.00
R. Nossal,et al.
Scattering Techniques Applied to Supramolecular and Nonequilibrium Systems
R. S. Sharpe,et al.
Research techniques in nondestructive testing