Identification and functional study of a shrimp Dorsal homologue.

Rel/NF-kappaB transcription factors play central roles in induction and regulation of innate immune responses. Here, identification and functional analysis of LvDorsal, a Dorsal homologue from the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, were described. The full-length cDNA of LvDorsal is 2204bp with an open reading frame that encodes 400 amino acids. The deduced LvDorsal contains a conserved Rel homology domain (RHD), an IPT (Ig-like, plexins and transcription factors) domain and a nucleus localization signal, suggesting that it belongs to the class II NF-kappaB. RT-PCR analysis showed that LvDorsal mRNAs were expressed in all the tissues tested, including gill, epidermis, hemocytes, intestine, stomach, eyestalk, brain, hepatopancreas, muscle, heart and pyloric caecum. Immunofluorescence assay showed that recombinant LvDorsal was translocated into the nucleus of Drosophila S2 cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay illustrated that recombinant LvDorsal RHD from S2 cells bound specifically with D. melanogaster kappaB motifs. Additionally, the dual-luciferase reporter assays indicated that LvDorsal could transactivate the reporter gene controlled by the 5' flanking region of shrimp penaeidin-4 and Drosophila attacin genes, suggesting that LvDorsal can regulate the transcription of shrimp penaeidin-4 gene. Study of LvDorsal will help us to better understand shrimp immunity and may help to obtain more effective methods to prevent shrimp diseases.

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