Pseudo-gustatory display system based on cross-modal integration of vision, olfaction and gustation

In this paper, we propose a pseudo-gustatory display based on the cross-modal interactions that underlie the perception of flavor. Although several studies on visual, auditory, haptic, and olfactory displays have been conducted, gustatory displays have seldom been studied. This scarcity has been attributed to the fact that synthesizing arbitrary taste from basic tastants is difficult. On the other hand, it has been noted that the perception of taste is influenced by visual cues, auditory cues, smell, the trigeminal system, and touch. In our research, we aim at utilizing this influence between modalities for realizing a "pseudo-gustatory" system that enables the user to experience various tastes without changing the chemical composition of foods. Based on this concept, we built a "Meta Cookie" system to change the perceived taste of a cookie by overlaying visual and olfactory information onto a real cookie which an AR marker pattern. We performed an experiment that investigates how people experience the flavor of a plain cookie by using our system. The result suggests that our system can change the perceived taste based on the effect of the cross-modal interaction of vision, olfaction and gustation.