Evaluation of Instruction and Changing Educational Models.

Abstract : It is proposed that changing educational practices require changes in theories and techniques of evaluation. Trends in current educational practice are discussed, and a general model for adaptive instruction is proposed. Six components of the model are presented and each is discussed in terms of the considerations for evaluation which each raises: (1) With respect to the specification of learning outcomes, behavioral definition of goals, prior evaluation of educational procedures, and development of criterion-referenced measurement are considered. (2) For the diagnosis of initial state, determination of long-term individual differences that are related to educational alternatives is required. (3) OR THE DESIGN OF INSTRUCTIONAL ALTERNATIVES( DETERMINATION OF measures for allocating instructional treatments is necessary. (4) For continuous assessment, measurements of ongoing learning which facilitate prediction of the next instructional step are required. (5) For adaptation and optimization, analysis of individual-difference by instrutional-treatment interactions and optimizing methods are required. (6) For evolutionary operation, a systematic theory of instruction into which accumulated knowledge can be placed and then tested and improved is required. (Author)