Dative constructions in Romance and beyond
María Cristina Cuervo | M. R. Manzini | A. Cornilescu | J. Jónsson | P. Lorusso | Ludovico Franco | Antonio Fábregas | Jaume Mateu | Rafael Marín | T. Cabré | Adam Ledgeway | Anna Pineda | C. Royo | Norma Schifano | Giuseppina Silvestri | Michelle Sheehan | D. Basilico | Sonia Cyrino | Egor Tsedryk | Rán Thorarinsdottir | A. Calindro | S. Antonyuk | M. Wechsler | Paola Cépeda | Davide Basilico
[1] M. Noseda. Introduction , 2021, Journal of Religious Education.
[2] S. Vikner,et al. From macroparameters to nanoparameters – a comparative Bantu case study , 2020 .
[3] Adam Ledgeway,et al. Microvariation in dative-marking in the Romance and Greek varieties of southern Italy , 2020 .
[4] Anna Pineda. From dative to accusative. An ongoing syntactic change in Romance , 2020 .
[5] Anna Pineda,et al. Double‐Object Constructions in Romance: The Common Denominator , 2020 .
[6] María Cristina Cuervo. Datives as applicatives , 2020 .
[7] P. Lorusso,et al. Aspectual datives (and instrumentals) , 2020 .
[8] Antonio Fábregas,et al. Ways of being a dative across Romance varieties , 2020 .
[9] A. Calindro. Ditransitive constructions: What sets Brazilian Portuguese apart from other Romance languages? , 2020 .
[10] M. R. Manzini. Romance a-phrases and their clitic counterparts: Agreement and mismatches , 2020 .
[11] J. Jónsson,et al. Dative objects with novel verbs in Icelandic , 2020 .
[12] Egor Tsedryk. The modal side of the dative: From predicative possession to possessive modality , 2020 .
[13] D. Basilico. When the applicative needs the antipassive , 2020 .
[14] Ángel J. Gallego,et al. Generative Grammar and the Faculty of Language : Insights, Questions, and Challenges , 2019 .
[15] A. Holmberg,et al. Movement from the Double Object Construction Is Not Fully Symmetrical , 2019, Linguistic Inquiry.
[16] Svitlana Antonyuk,et al. Quantifier Scope in Russian , 2019 .
[17] Antonio Fábregas,et al. 3rd person clitic combinations across Catalan varieties: Consequences of the nature of the dative clitic , 2019, The Linguistic Review.
[18] Omer Preminger. What the PCC tells us about “abstract” agreement, head movement, and locality , 2019, Glossa: a journal of general linguistics.
[19] D. Basilico,et al. Antipassive Adds an Argument , 2019, Open Linguistics.
[20] Michelle Sheehan. The Romance Person Case Constraint is not about clitic clusters , 2019 .
[21] F. W. Migeod. Prepositions , 2018, The Mende Language.
[22] Wei-tien Dylan Tsai. High applicatives are not high enough: a cartographic solution , 2018, Lingua Sinica.
[23] Carles Royo i Bieto. Alternança acusatiu/datiu i flexibilitat semàntica i sintàctica dels verbs psicològics catalans , 2018 .
[24] Bartomeu Abrines Llabrés. Les fronteres de la (in)transitivitat. Estudi dels aplicatius en llengües romàniques i basc , 2018 .
[27] Antonio Fábregas,et al. Chapter 3. What’s up with dative experiencers? , 2017 .
[28] Leonardo M. Savoia,et al. a /bare finite complements in Southern Italian varieties: mono-clausal or bi-clausal syntax? , 2017 .
[29] J. Ormazabal,et al. Historical Changes in Basque Dative Alternations: Evidence for a P-based (neo)derivational analysis , 2017 .
[30] E. Titov. The Canonical Order of Russian Objects , 2017, Linguistic Inquiry.
[31] R. Larson. On “Dative Idioms” in English , 2017, Linguistic Inquiry.
[33] Shigeru Miyagawa,et al. Syntax of Ditransitives , 2017 .
[34] Nora Boneh,et al. The syntax and semantics of dative DPs in Russian ditransitives , 2017 .
[35] M. R. Manzini,et al. Instrumental prepositions and case: Contexts of occurrence and alternations with datives , 2017 .
[37] M. O. Squillaci. When a Language Becomes “Old”: The Case of Calabrian Greek , 2017 .
[38] Adrian Stegovec. Between you and me: Two Crosslinguistic Generalizations on Person Restrictions , 2017 .
[39] M. R. Manzini,et al. GENITIVE/‘OF’ ARGUMENTS IN DOM CONTEXTS , 2017 .
[40] Guglielmo Cinque,et al. On the status of functional categories (heads and phrases) , 2017 .
[41] Hezekiah Akiva Bacovcin. Parameterising Germanic Ditransitive Variation: A Historical-Comparative Study , 2017 .
[42] M. Haspelmath,et al. Universals of causative and anticausative verb formation and the spontaneity scale , 2016 .
[43] Neil Joseph Myler,et al. Building and Interpreting Possession Sentences , 2016 .
[44] Bronwyn Bjorkman,et al. Possession and necessity: From individuals to worlds , 2016 .
[45] Heloisa Maria M. Lima-Salles,et al. The syntax of (ditransitive) predicates of transference in Dialectal Brazilian Portuguese , 2016 .
[46] R. Sampson. The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages , 2016 .
[47] Maria Polinsky,et al. Deconstructing Ergativity: Two Types of Ergative Languages and Their Features , 2016 .
[48] M. R. Manzini,et al. Goal and DOM datives , 2016 .
[49] M. Wechsler. The Lexical Underspecification of Bantu Causatives and Applicatives , 2016 .
[50] Antonio Fábregas,et al. Datives and stativity in psych predicates , 2016 .
[52] Sonia Cyrino,et al. Putting objects in order: Asymmetrical relations in Spanish and Portuguese ditransitives , 2016 .
[53] J. Wal. Flexibility in symmetry: An implicational relation in Bantu double object constructions , 2016 .
[54] A. Marantz,et al. The interpretation of external arguments , 2016 .
[55] Mario Baum. Masked Inversion In French , 2016 .
[56] Lena Osterhagen,et al. Word Meaning And Montague Grammar , 2016 .
[57] Michelle Sheehan,et al. Do We Need Abstract Case , 2016 .
[58] Зилола Зокировна Исакова,et al. Knowledge of Language , 2016 .
[59] José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia. Causativity and psychological verbs in Spanish , 2015 .
[60] A. Calindro. Introduzindo argumentos: uma proposta para as sentenças ditransitivas do português brasileiro , 2015 .
[61] Leonardo M. Savoia,et al. Ergative case, aspect and person splits: Two case studies , 2015 .
[62] Jordi Ginebra. Neologia i gramàtica: entre el neologisme lèxic i el neologisme sintàctic , 2015 .
[63] Jenneke van der Wal,et al. Evidence for abstract Case in Bantu , 2015 .
[64] H. Harley,et al. In Support of the PHAVE Analysis of the Double Object Construction , 2015, Linguistic Inquiry.
[65] Peter Hallman. Syntactic Neutralization in Double Object Constructions , 2015, Linguistic Inquiry.
[66] Antonio Fábregas,et al. Deriving individual-level and stage-level psych verbs in Spanish , 2015 .
[67] Ana Maria Brito. Two base generated structures for ditransitives in European Portuguese , 2015 .
[68] Alexander Williams,et al. Arguments in Syntax and Semantics , 2015 .
[69] Jim Wood,et al. Icelandic Morphosyntax and Argument Structure , 2015 .
[70] Causatives , 2015, Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online.
[71] N. Chen. A Local Economy , 2015 .
[72] Svitlana Antonyuk,et al. Quantifier Scope and Scope Freezing in Russian , 2015 .
[74] Antonio Fábregas. Direccionales con con y Marcado Diferencial de Objeto , 2015 .
[75] F. Ludovico. The morphosyntax of adverbs of the carpone/i type in (Old and Modern) Italian , 2015 .
[76] Anna Pineda. What lies behind dative/accusative alternations in Romance , 2014 .
[78] Marc Richards. Defective Agree, Case Alternations, and the Prominence of Person , 2014 .
[79] Thomas Leu. The Architecture of Determiners , 2014 .
[80] Peter Svenonius,et al. Deriving the Functional Hierarchy , 2014 .
[81] Theresa Biberauer,et al. Complexity in comparative syntax: the view from modern parametric theory , 2014 .
[82] Terje Lohndal,et al. Phrase Structure and Argument Structure: A Case Study of the Syntax-Semantics Interface , 2014 .
[83] Anna Pineda i Cirera. Les fronteres de la (in)transitivitat. Estudi dels aplicatius en llengües romàniques i basc , 2014 .
[84] L. Marten,et al. Benefactive and substitutive applicatives in Bemba , 2014 .
[85] R. Larson. On Shell Structure , 2014 .
[86] Hyun Kyoung Jung,et al. On the syntax of applicative and causative constructions , 2014 .
[87] M. Wechsler. The Stacking Behavior of Valence-Increasing Verbal Extensions and Their Arguments in Shona , 2014 .
[88] I. Roberts,et al. No-Choice Parameters and the Limits ofSyntactic Variation , 2014 .
[89] J. Ormazabal,et al. Differential Object Marking, Case and Agreement , 2013 .
[90] Kyle Jerro. Argument structure and the typology of causatives in Kinyarwanda : explaining the causative-instrumental syncretism , 2013 .
[91] Marcel Pitteroff,et al. Variation in analytic causative constructions: a view on German and Romance , 2013 .
[92] Anna Pineda. Double object constructions and dative / accusative alternations in Spanish and Catalan: A unified account , 2013 .
[93] Noam Chomsky,et al. Problems of projection , 2013 .
[94] Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson,et al. Two types of case variation , 2013, Nordic Journal of Linguistics.
[95] V. Baldissera. Il dialetto grico del Salento : elementi balcanici e contatto linguistico , 2013 .
[96] J. Casalicchio. Pseudorelative, gerundi e infiniti nelle varietà romanze: affinità (solo) superficiali e corrispondenze strutturali , 2013 .
[97] J. R. Alfajarín. Ynglès i Nogués, M. Teresa. El datiu en català: una aproximació des de la lingüística cognitiva , 2013 .
[98] Chris Golston. The morphology and phonology of exponence , 2013 .
[99] Seppo Kittilä. Causative morphemes as a de-transitivizing device: what do non-canonical instances reveal about causation and causativization? , 2013 .
[100] Michelle Sheehan. Towards a Parameter Hierarchy for Alignment , 2013 .
[101] Going Romance,et al. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2010: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Leiden 2010 , 2012 .
[102] Maria Rita Manzini,et al. From Romance clitics to case: Split accusativity and the person case constraint , 2012 .
[103] O. Miyaoka. A Grammar of Central Alaskan Yupik Cay , 2012 .
[104] Juan Romero. Accusative Datives in Spanish , 2012 .
[105] J. Jónsson. Dative versus Accusative and the Nature of Inherent Case , 2012 .
[106] R. Marín,et al. Verbos y nombres psicológicos: juntos y revueltos , 2012 .
[107] Dimitris Michelioudakis,et al. Dative arguments and abstract Case in Greek , 2012 .
[108] L. Lopez. Indefinite Objects: Scrambling, Choice Functions, and Differential Marking , 2012 .
[109] A Nevins,et al. Haplological dissimilation at distinct stages of exponence , 2012 .
[110] M. Diercks. Parameterizing Case: Evidence from Bantu , 2012 .
[111] Bettina Spreng,et al. Viewpoint Aspect in Inuktitut: The Syntax and Semantics of Antipassives , 2012 .
[112] A. Belletti,et al. Moving Verbal Chunks in the Low Functional Field , 2012 .
[113] Louise McNally,et al. Telicity, change, and state : a cross-categorial view of event structure , 2012 .
[114] W. Bruce Croft. Verbs: Aspect and Causal Structure , 2012 .
[115] Adam Ledgeway. From Latin to Romance: Morphosyntactic Typology and Change , 2012 .
[116] D. Basilico. 4: The Antipassive And Its Relation To Scalar Structure , 2012 .
[117] Kyumin Kim,et al. 6: External Argument-Introducing Heads: Voice And Appl , 2012 .
[118] Yves Roberge,et al. The End of Argument Structure , 2012 .
[119] F. Ordóñez. Clitics in Spanish , 2012 .
[120] Silvio Cruschina,et al. Discourse-Related Features and Functional Projections , 2012 .
[121] Kyumin Kim,et al. External Argument Introducers , 2012 .
[123] Solveig Bosse,et al. Affected Experiencers , 2012 .
[124] F. Pompeo. Il sincretismo di genitivo e dativo nella lega balcanica. Una convergenza multipla , 2012 .
[125] Adam Ledgeway. Greek disguised as Romance? The case of Southern Italy , 2012 .
[126] J. Kramer. L’influsso dell’italiano sul sistema del verbo delle lingue minoritarie: Resistenza e mutamento nella morfologia e nella sintassi. Atti del 2° Convegno Internazionale Costanza, 10–13 dicembre 2008, a cura di Walter Breu , 2012 .
[127] F. Martín. Deconstructing Catalan Object Clitics , 2012 .
[128] Claire Halpert. Argument licensing and agreement in Zulu , 2012 .
[129] A. Holmberg,et al. Object Movement (A)symmetries inBritish English Dialects , 2012 .
[130] Patricia L. Irwin,et al. Unaccusativity at the Interfaces , 2012 .
[131] John Frederick Bailyn,et al. The Syntax of Russian , 2011 .
[132] Virginia Yip,et al. Contact-induced grammaticalization , 2011 .
[133] Lisa Levinson. Possessive with in Germanic: have and the Role of P , 2011 .
[134] Kristín Jóhannsdóttir,et al. Aspects of the progressive in English and Icelandic , 2011 .
[135] Virginia Hill,et al. The Direct Object Marker in Romanian: A Historical Perspective , 2011 .
[136] M. Blanco. Causatives in Minimalism , 2011 .
[137] Hakyung Jung. The Syntax of the Be -Possessive: Parametric variation and surface diversities , 2011 .
[138] Louise McNally,et al. Inchoativity, change of state, and telicity: evidence from Spanish reflexive psychological verbs , 2011 .
[139] John Beavers,et al. An Aspectual Analysis of Ditransitive Verbs of Caused Possession in English , 2011, J. Semant..
[140] Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson,et al. Structured exceptions and case selection in Insular Scandinavian , 2011 .
[141] Eva-Maria Remberger. Morfosintassi verbale dei dialetti neogreci in Calabria , 2011 .
[142] Rostyslav Bilous. Transitivité et marquage d'objet différentiel , 2011 .
[143] Ángel J. Gallego. On the prepositional nature of non-finite verbs , 2010 .
[144] John Beavers,et al. The Spanish dative alternation revisited , 2010 .
[145] Richard S. Kayne. Toward a syntactic reinterpretation of Harris & Halle (2005) , 2010 .
[146] B. Hollebrandse,et al. Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2008 : Selected papers from 'Going Romance' Groningen 2008 , 2010 .
[147] María Cristina Cuervo. Two types of (apparently) ditransitive light verb constructions , 2010 .
[148] David Fournier. La structure du predicat verbal : une etude de la construction a double objet en francais , 2010 .
[149] J. Ormazabal,et al. The Derivation of Dative Alternations , 2010 .
[150] Esther Torrego,et al. Variability in the Case Patterns of Causative Formation in Romance and Its Implications , 2010, Linguistic Inquiry.
[151] Milan Rezac,et al. Ineffability through Modularity: Gaps in the French Clitic Cluster* , 2010 .
[152] Benjamin Bruening. Double Object Constructions Disguised as Prepositional Datives , 2010, Linguistic Inquiry.
[153] María Cristina Cuervo. Against ditransitivity , 2010 .
[154] Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española,et al. Nueva gramática de la lengua española , 2010 .
[155] María Cristina Cuervo. Some Dative Subjects Are Born, SomeAre Made , 2010 .
[156] M. R. Manzini,et al. CASE AS DENOTATION: VARIATION IN ROMANCE , 2010 .
[157] Ana Arregui,et al. Building Involuntary States in Slavic , 2010 .
[158] J. Bailyn. What ’ s Inside VP ? New ( and old ) Evidence from Russian , 2010 .
[159] I. Sichel,et al. Deconstructing possession , 2010 .
[160] J. Higginbotham. The English Progressive , 2009 .
[161] Pavel Caha,et al. The nanosyntax of case , 2009 .
[162] I. Landau. The Locative Syntax of Experiencers , 2009 .
[163] Ronald W. Langacker,et al. Investigations in Cognitive Grammar , 2009 .
[164] Mary A. Kato,et al. Brazilian Portuguese and the recovery of lost clitics through schooling , 2009 .
[165] Shobhana Lakshmi Chelliah,et al. Introduction: The role of semantic, pragmatic and discourse factors in the development of case , 2009 .
[166] M. Rivero. Intensionality, high applicatives, and aspect: involuntary state constructions in Bulgarian and Slovenian , 2009 .
[167] João Costa,et al. A focus-binding conspiracy. Left-to-right merge, scrambling and binary structure in European Portuguese , 2009 .
[168] Alexandra Fiéis. Textos Seleccionados. XXV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística , 2009 .
[169] Oana Ciucivara,et al. A syntactic analysis of pronominal clitic clusters in Romance The view from Romanian , 2009 .
[170] Lucie Medova,et al. Reflexive Clitics in the Slavic and Romance Languages. A Comparative View from an Antipassive Perspective. , 2009 .
[171] Marina Dyakonova,et al. UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) A phase-based approach to Russian free word order , 2009 .
[172] Ángel L. Jiménez‐Fernández. The low periphery of double object constructions in English and Spanish , 2009 .
[173] S. Tatevosov. Building Intensive Resultatives , 2009 .
[174] Andrew Spencer,et al. The Oxford Handbook of Case , 2008 .
[175] Åshild Næss. Varieties of Dative , 2008 .
[176] M. F. Stamuli. Morte di lingua e variazione lessicale nel greco di Calabria. Tre profili dalla Bovesìa. , 2008 .
[177] Bridget Copley. The Plan's the Thing: Deconstructing Futurate Meanings , 2008, Linguistic Inquiry.
[178] Gillian Ramchand,et al. Verb Meaning and the Lexicon: A First Phase Syntax , 2008 .
[179] M. Řezáč. The syntax of eccentric agreement: the Person Case Constraint and absolutive displacement in Basque , 2008 .
[180] Malka Rappaport Hovav,et al. The English dative alternation: The case for verb sensitivity1 , 2008, Journal of Linguistics.
[181] P. Kiparsky. Universals Constrain Change; Change Results in Typological Generalizations , 2008 .
[182] Jóhanna Barðdal,et al. Productivity: Evidence from Case and Argument Structure in Icelandic , 2008 .
[183] John Whitman,et al. Expletive and Thematic Applicatives , 2008 .
[184] Antonio Fábregas. The Exhaustive Lexicalisation Principle , 2007 .
[185] Peter Svenonius,et al. Adpositions, particles and the arguments they introduce , 2007 .
[186] Höskuldur Thráinsson,et al. The Syntax of Icelandic , 2007 .
[187] Richard S. Kayne. Silent Years, Silent Hours , 2007 .
[188] E. Fortuin. Modality and Aspect: interaction of constructional meaning and aspectual meaning in the dative-infinitive construction in Russian , 2007 .
[189] A. Nevins. The representation of third person and its consequences for person-case effects , 2007 .
[190] Raffaella Folli,et al. Causation, Obligation, and Argument Structure: On the Nature of Little v , 2007, Linguistic Inquiry.
[191] David Adger,et al. Syntax and Syncretisms of the Person Case Constraint , 2007 .
[192] Juan Romero,et al. The Object Agreement Constraint , 2007 .
[193] M. Frascarelli,et al. Types of topics in German and Italian , 2007 .
[194] Susanne Winkler,et al. On information structure, meaning and form : generalizations across languages , 2007 .
[195] María Luisa Rivero,et al. An applicative analysis of double object constructions in Romanian , 2007 .
[196] A.-Ph. Christidis,et al. A history of ancient Greek : from the beginnings to late antiquity , 2007 .
[197] J. Sakel,et al. Investigating the mechanisms of pattern replication in language convergence , 2007 .
[198] Youngmin Jeong,et al. Applicatives: Structure and Interpretation from a Minimalist Perspective , 2007 .
[199] Kylie Richardson. Case and aspect in Slavic , 2007 .
[200] Angelika Kratzer,et al. Situations in Natural Language Semantics , 2007 .
[201] Diego Pescarini. Types of syncretism in the clitic systems of Romance , 2007 .
[202] Eulàlia Bonet,et al. The Person-Case constraint and repair strategies , 2007 .
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[214] Pier Marco Bertinetto. The progressive in Romance , as compared with English , 2006 .
[215] Peter Svenonius,et al. The Emergence of Axial Parts , 2006 .
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[225] Jeff Good,et al. Reconstructing morpheme order in Bantu: The case of causativization and applicativization , 2005 .
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[230] Kyle Johnson,et al. Double Objects Again , 2004, Linguistic Inquiry.
[231] Miriam Butt,et al. The Projection of Arguments: Lexical and Compositional Factors , 2004 .
[232] J. R. Alfajarín. El règim verbal: anàlisi contrastiva català-castellà , 2004 .
[233] Peter Svenonius. Russian Prefixes are Phrasal , 2004 .
[234] Io Manolessou,et al. Syntactic isoglosses in Modern Greek Dialects: the case of the indirect Object , 2004 .
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[237] Shigeru Miyagawa,et al. Argument Structure and Ditransitive Verbs in Japanese , 2004 .
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[243] Peter Svenonius,et al. Limits on P: filling in holes vs. falling in holes , 2003 .
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[249] J. R. Alfajarín. Factors del canví sintàtic , 2002 .
[250] Beatriz Fernández,et al. Kasu eta komunztaduraren gainean , 2002 .
[251] Peter Svenonius,et al. Icelandic Case and the Structure of Events , 2002 .
[252] Heidi Harley,et al. Possession and the double object construction , 2002 .
[253] L. Pylkkänen,et al. Introducing Arguments , 2002 .
[254] Malka Rappaport Hovav,et al. An Event Structure Account of English Resultatives , 2001 .
[255] Benjamin Bruening. QR Obeys Superiority: Frozen Scope and ACD , 2001, Linguistic Inquiry.
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[257] Johanna Barddal,et al. Case in Icelandic : A Synchronic, Diachronic and Comparative Approach , 2001 .
[258] MARTIN HASPELMATH,et al. Explaining the Ditransitive Person-Role Constraint: A usage-based approach1 , 2001 .
[259] Christoph Schwarze,et al. On the Representation of French and Italian Clitics , 2001 .
[260] Craige Roberts,et al. Spanish Imperfecto and Pretérito: Truth Conditions and Aktionsart Effects in a Situation Semantics , 2000 .
[261] John R. Moore,et al. What Does It Take To Be A Dative Subject , 2000 .
[262] Mara Frascarelli,et al. The Syntax-Phonology Interface in Focus and Topic Constructions in Italian , 2000 .
[263] Marianne Katsoyannou. Le parler grec de Calabre: situation linguistique et sociolinguistique , 2000 .
[264] Hamida Demirdache,et al. The primitives of temporal relations , 2000 .
[265] Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson,et al. CASE AND DOUBLE OBJECTS IN ICELANDIC , 2000 .
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[272] A. Dimitriadis. On Clitics, Prepositions and Case Licensing in Standard and Macedonian Greek , 1999 .
[273] Tom Mylne,et al. A Feature-based System for Classifying Semantic Roles , 1999 .
[274] J. Fontanals,et al. Extended Argument Structure : Progressive as Unaccusative , 1999 .
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[277] Marcel den Dikken,et al. Predicate Inversion in DP , 1998 .
[278] Esther Torrego,et al. The Dependencies of Objects , 1998 .
[279] Teresa Cabré i Monné,et al. Estructura gramatical i normativa lingüística: a propòsit dels verbs psicològics en català * , 1998 .
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