Commissioning Results of the ReA RFQ at MSU*

The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) is currently in the preliminary design phase at Michigan State University (MSU). FRIB consists of a driver LINAC for the acceleration of heavy ion beams, followed by a fragmentation target station and a ReAccelerator facility (ReA3). ReA3 comprises gas stopper systems, an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) charge state booster, a room temperature radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ), a LINAC using superconducting quarter wave resonators and an achromatic beam transport and distribution line to the new experimental area. Beams from ReA3 will range from 3 MeV/u for heavy ions to about 6 MeV/u for light ions. The ReA3 RFQ, which is of the 4 rod type, is designed to accelerate ions with an Q/A of 0.2 to 0.5 from 12 keV/u to 600 keV/u. The RFQ operates at a frequency of 80.5 MHz and power levels up to 120 kW at 10% duty factor. In this paper we will report on commissioning results from the ReA3 RFQ using H2 and He beam from an auxiliary ion source.