Fabric filters for the electric utility industry: Volume 2, Sonic cleaning guidelines

This publication is the second in a series presenting results of EPRI's research and development work applying baghouse technology to the collection of particulate matter at coal-fired electric power generating plants. The series, Fabric Filters for the Electric Utility Industry, is intended as a practical, hands-on reference for plant operators, engineers, and home office managers. Volume 2, Sonic Cleaning Guidelines, provides practical guidelines for selecting, testing, and operating pneumatic, diaphragm-operated horns as a supplement to reverse-gas cleaning in utility baghouses. This volume includes a discussion of the effectiveness of various sonic horns in pilot- and full-scale testing along with costs and benefits of sonic-assisted reverse-gas cleaning. Guidelines are given for characterization and selection of horns for utility applications. Installations of horns, trial testing, operation, and maintenance are discussed. An explanation of the fundamental of sonic technology is provided. The sonic spectra and operating characteristics of commercial horns and a list of horn manufacturers are included to help in the selection of horns. 6 refs., 15 figs., 1 tab.