Sentinel-2 Global Surface Reflectance Level-2a Product Generated with Sen2Cor

Sen2Cor is a Level-2A processor designed to correct Sentinel-2 Level-1C products from the effects of the atmosphere in order to deliver a Level-2A surface reflectance product. ESA has been using Sen2Cor for systematic Level-2A processing of Sentinel-2 acquisitions over Europe since June 2017. It has since then been successfully integrated into Sentinel-2 ground segment (PDGS) with a global production over the World started in December 2018. In this manuscript, the Level-2A product and algorithm are presented. The performance of this operational Level-2A product is described in terms of cloud screening accuracy and atmospheric correction accuracy. Finally, the on-going parallel developments aimed at improving the product quality at global scale in terms of cloud screening and atmospheric correction are discussed.