Abstract Four different alternatives of mobile power train developments (hybrid diesel, fuel cell operating with hydrogen produced on a petrochemical basis, methanol reformer-fuel cell system, gasoline reformer-fuel cell system), are compared with the gasoline internal combustion engine (ICE), for well-to-wheel efficiencies, CO 2 emissions, and investment costs. Although the ICE requires the lowest investment cost, it is not competitive in well-to-wheel efficiencies and less favourable than the above alternatives for CO 2 emissions. The hybrid diesel power train has the highest well-to-wheel efficiency (30%), but its well-to-wheel carbon dioxide emission is similar to that of the fuel cell power train operated with compressed hydrogen produced on a centralised petrochemical basis. This latter case, however, has the advantage over the hybrid diesel power train that the carbon dioxide emission is concentrated and easier to control than the several point-like sources of emissions. Among the five cases studied only the on-board reforming of methanol offers the possibility of using a renewable energy source (biomass).
Joan M. Ogden,et al.
A comparison of hydrogen, methanol and gasoline as fuels for fuel cell vehicles: implications for vehicle design and infrastructure development
R. Menzer,et al.
Analysis of energy and water management in terms of fuel-cell electricity generation
P. Mizsey,et al.
The autothermal partial oxidation kinetics of methanol to produce hydrogen
J. Ogden.
Developing an infrastructure for hydrogen vehicles: a Southern California case study
K. Aasberg-Petersen,et al.
Catalytic partial oxidation of natural gas at elevated pressure and low residence time
Bette Hileman.
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