Interactions between Maternal Prenatal Obesity and Physiological Stress: Predictors of Offspring Adult Obesity

• A significant two-way interaction was found between cortisol and prepregnancy BMI (F(405)=2.562, p=0.19). • We decomposed the interaction by examining BMI group differences at each level of cortisol. • No significant differences for pre-pregnancy BMI on adult BMI were found for cortisol tertiles 1 and 3, (F<1). • A significant difference was found between groups for the second tertile of free cortisol (F(133)=4.401, p=0.006). • Bonferroni-adjusted pairwise comparisons revealed a significant difference between underweight and normal/healthy weight prepregnancy BMI categories, (p=0.024). • For mothers with free cortisol levels in the second tertile, those who were underweight prior to pregnancy had offspring with steeper growth trajectories from birth to 1 year and greater BMI z-scores in adulthood. 1 2