Evolução e desafios no gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos no Brasil

The generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) has increased over time in Brazil, along with changes in waste quality, which gives rise to discussions regarding the importance of properly managing and disposing of these wastes. Currently, issues involving the management of MSW have a central focus in carrying out public policies. Effective implementation of the National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) - Law no. 12,305/2010 is expected to bring changes in the panorama of solid waste in Brazil. This work is a review of literature that aims to address some aspects of the MSW in Brazil, considering some changes expected to occur in the public sector after NSWP implementation. Some data is presented and discussed in order to foster an understanding of the evolution of MSW management in Brazil and to highlight challenges for the NSWP compliance with regulation, such as the expansion of the collection and treatment of MSW, more active societal involvement in waste-separation processes and the difficulty of eradicating open dumps and replacing them with landfills. In general, while there were improvements in MSW management, they were insufficient to address the changes proposed by the NSWP in order to establish integrated MSW management that would be effective and sustainable for both the environment and society. This indicates the need for urgent change in the structure of the MSW sector in Brazil.