Weblogs have become a leading form of self-publication on the web. Personal weblogs are often considered to represent a person, and the links between webogs can naturally be given a social interaction. Against this background, finding a community around a given weblog—i.e., identifying a set of weblogs that forms a natural group together with the starting point, because of content or social reasons—is a very natural task. Traditional methods for community finding methods focus almost exclusively on topology analysis. In this paper we present a novel method for discovering weblog communities that incorporates both topology analysis and content analysis. We evaluate our method in a small-scale user study, analyze the contributions of the various components of our approach, and compare it against a state-of-the-art topologybased community finding algorithm.
W. Bruce Croft,et al.
Time-based language models
CIKM '03.
Ravi Kumar,et al.
On the Bursty Evolution of Blogspace
WWW '03.
Sergey Brin,et al.
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
Comput. Networks.
Yun Chi,et al.
Discovery of Blog Communities based on Mutual Awareness
Otis Gospodnetic,et al.
Lucene in Action
Juan Julián Merelo Guervós,et al.
Mapping weblog communities