A Novel Surgical Method for the Postoperative Treatment of Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis: Report of a Case

We report a case of Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis ( SMVT ) surgically treated by resection of the small intestine, and the development of an effective novel method for therapy of small intestinal stoma and nutrition after the operation. SMVT with thrombosis length of about 3 cm was diagnosed with computed tomography (CT) in a 59-year-old male experiencing acute abdominal pain. Initially, IVR for thrombolytic therapy was unsuccessfully conducted. Thus, we subsequently performed resection of small intestine displaying necrosis due to disorder of blood flow, which was 20 cm in length and located 20 cm distal to the Trize band, but did not anastomose in primary to avoid anastomotic leakage by re-thrombosis. We performed temporary gastrostomy for the drainage of intestinal juice, and jejunostomy with the stomas of the closed small intestinal ends to detect blood flow disorder. A nutritional tube was inserted into the anal stoma. This method is generally successful for collecting all the intestinal juice that damages skin, and providing high-calorie nutrition. Further, more this prevented dermatitis due to intestinal juice around the intestinal stoma. After ensuring no recurrence of re-thrombosis, the intestinal stoma was closed. A present, this patient is monitored as an outpatient. We propose that this operative method is applicable for the administration of stomas and surrounding skin in other diseases.