Thermally induced vibrations of a self-shadowed split-blanket solar array

An analytical approach is developed for investigating thermally induced vibrations of a split-blanket solar array due to self-shadowing of the central truss. Two analyses are developed: (1) cross-member shadowing of the truss longerons due to a torsional vibration of the solar array, and (2) parallelmember shadowing when the solar vector is aligned with the plane of the truss longerons. The analytical approaches identify key parameters for understanding the thermalstructural response. For parallel-member shadowing a stability analysis establishes the condition for thermal flutter. Computations are made for a solar array representative of the Space Station Freedom (SSF) design. The results show that cross-member shadowing is unlikely to cause thermally induced vibrations. Parallel-member shadowing can cause thermally induced vibrations; however, the vibrations are stable. Under normal operations the SSF solar array should not experience thermally induced vibrations.