A systematic investigation of leaf epidermis in Camellia using light microscopy

The characters of mature leaf epidermis of 58 species and 3 varieties belonging to 19 sections, representing all the 4 subgenera: Protocamellia, Camellia, Thea and Metacamellia were investigated under light microscope. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) The shape of the epidermal cells is elliptical, polygonal or irregular and the anticlinal walls are arched, straight or sinuolate, sinuous to sinuate. 2) The stomatal apparatus, consisting of a stoma (a pore plus a pair of guard cells) and 3–4 subsidiary cells, restricted to the abaxial surface of the leaves, were assigned to anisocytic, anisotricytic, isotricytic or tetracytic type. 3) Special structures in leaf epidermis, such as stomatal clusters, aborted stomata, secretory cells, cuticular intrusions and their taxonomic implications were also elucidated.