Quantum Reactivity: An Indicator of Quantum Correlation

Geometry is often a valuable guide to complex problems in physics. In this paper, we introduce a novel geometric quantity called quantum reactivity (QR) to probe quantum correlations in higher-dimensional quantum systems. Much like quantum discord, QR is not a measure of quantum entanglement but can be useful in quantum information processes where a notion of quantum correlation in higher dimensions is needed. Both quantum discord and QR are extendable to an arbitrarily large number of qubits; however, unlike discord, QR satisfies the invariance under unitary operations. Our approach parallels Schumacher’s singlet state triangle inequality, which used an information geometry-based entropic distance. We use a generalization of information distance to area, volume, and higher-dimensional volumes and then use these to define a quantity that we call QR, which is the familiar ratio of surface area to volume. We examine a spectrum of multipartite states (Werner, W, GHZ, randomly generated density matrices, etc.) and demonstrate that QR can provide an ordering of these quantum states as to their degree of quantum correlation.

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