골조공사 공법 대안 선정을 위한 공사기간 및 비용 예측 모델 개발
Selecting the construction methods at the preconstruction phase is extremely important to reduce the cost and duration of structural work. Because it is forming an ever greater part of the construction process and budget. But most construction companies who have conducted apartment projects don’t try to shorten the duration of cycle-time. This problem was verified by survey from construction managers and experts of the structural works. And it was said that they need the system which can compare and analyse the various construction methods of structural work. So, the purpose of this study is to develop a prediction model which is possible to predict the duration and cost of structural work. The prediction model is comparing and analysing the cost and duration of structural work by using the database of method alternatives. The database includes cost data and duration data of various construction methods such as form-work, reinforcing-bar work and concrete work. Also this study verified the effectiveness of the Prediction Model by simulation of apartment construction case. If construction companies were using this prediction model, they are possible to reduce the cost and duration.