Stationary Waiting Times in Simple Fork-and-Join Queues with Finite Buffers and Communication Blocking

In this study, we consider stationary waiting times in a simple fork-and-join type queue which consists of three single-server machines, Machine 1, Machine 2, and Assembly Machine. We assume that the queue has a renewal arrival process and that independent service times at each node are either deterministic or non-overlapping. We also assume that the Machines 1 and 2 have an infinite buffer capacity whereas the Assembly Machine has two finite buffers, one for each machine. Services at each machine are given by FIFO service discipline and a communication blocking policy. We derive the explicit expressions for stationary waiting times at all nodes as a function of finite buffer capacities by using (max,+)-algebra. Various characteristics of stationary waiting times such as mean, higher moments, and tail probability can be computed from these expressions.

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