Two classical semantical approaches to studying logics which combine time and modality are the T /spl times/ W-frames and Kamp-frames (Thomason (1984)). In this paper we study a new kind of frame that extends the one introduced in Burrieza et al. (2002). The motivation is twofold: theoretical, i.e., representing properties of the basic theory of functions (definability); and practical, their use in computational applications (considering time-flows as memory of computers connected in a net, each computer with its own clock). Specifically, we present a temporal /spl times/ modal (labelled) logic, whose semantics are given by ind-functional frames in which accessibility functions are used in order to interconnect time-flows. This way, we can: (i) specify to what time-flow we want to go; (ii) carry out different comparisons among worlds with different time measures; and (iii) define properties of certain kinds of functions (in particular, of total, injective, surjective, constant, increasing and decreasing functions), without the need to resort to second-order theories. In addition, we define a minimal axiomatic system and give the completeness theorem (Henkin-style).
Mark Reynolds,et al.
A Decidable Temporal Logic of Parallelism
Notre Dame J. Formal Log..
Brian F. Chellas.
Time and modality in the logic of agency
Stud Logica.
William Harper,et al.
Ifs. Conditionals, Belief, Decision, Chance, and Time
R. Thomason.
Combinations of Tense and Modality
Alberto Zanardo.
On the characterizability of the frames for the "unpreventability of the present and the past"
Notre Dame J. Formal Log..
R. Thomason,et al.
A Theory of Conditionals in the Context of Branching Time
Lennart Åqvist.
The logic of historical necessity as founded on two-dimensional modal tense logic
J. Philos. Log..
Alberto Zanardo,et al.
Branching-time logic with quantification over branches: The point of view of modal logic
Journal of Symbolic Logic.
Inmaculada Perez de Guzmán,et al.
A Temporal × Modal Approach to the Definability of Properties of Functions