Proportional Service Allocation in Distributed Storage Systems ∗

Fully distributed storage systems have gained popularity i n he past few years because of their ability to use cheap commodity hardware and their high scalability. While there are a number of algorithms for providing dif ferentiated quality of service to clients of a centralized storage system, the prob lem has not been solved for distributed storage systems. Providing performance gu arantees in distributed storage systems is more complex because clients may have dif ferent data layouts and access their data through different coordinators (acce ss nodes), yet the performance guarantees required are global. This paper presents a distributed scheduling framework. It is an adaptation of fair queuing algorithms for distributed servers. Specifica lly, upon scheduling each request, it enforces an extra delay (possibly zero) that cor responds to the amount of service the client gets on other servers. Different perfo rmance guarantees, e.g., per storage node proportional sharing, total service propo rtional sharing or mixed, can be met by different delay functions. The delay functions can be calculated at coordinators locally so excess communication is avoided. T he analysis and experimental results show that these new algorithms can enfor ce performance goals under different data layouts and workloads.

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