New laboratory data on the spectral line parameters in the 1-0 and 2-0 bands of relevant to atmospheric remote sensing

Abstract Absolute intensities, self-broadened and air-broadened half-widths, self-induced and air-induced line shifts, and the temperature dependence of all of these parameters have been measured for lines in the 1-0 and 2-0 bands of 12 C 16 O with rotational quantum number m between −24 and 26 at several temperatures between 174 and 296 K using a Fourier-transform spectrometer and a multi-spectral-line-fitting technique. The absolute intensities of the 1-0 and 2-0 bands have been deduced to be (1.013±0.007)×10−17 and (7.532±0.066)×10 −20 cm / molecule , respectively.

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