Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Kelas XI MIPA melalui Penerapan Dialog Socrates

Biology is one of natural sciences that cherish either process or product in every aspect of its study. Biology’s learning outcomes identic with the score that achieved by students post learning process. This research aims to illustrate the biology’s learning outcome of high school students after the application of Socratic Dialogue. The participants were students of grade XI sciences in one high school located in Surakarta, selected purposively. The number of participants were20.(8 boys, and .12 girls). A classroom action research (CAR) was done collaboratively between student teacher, lecturers, and teacher, follow the spiral cycle of Stephen Kemmis. The data was student’s examination score, categorized into communal groups (low academic group, middle academic group, and high academic group). Data was analysed by interpreting the student’s outcome quantitatively and scrutinizing factors might be affect to student’s outcome qualitatively. The result showed the student’s learning outcome in the first cycle was increase significantly than pre-treatment stage. The second cycle showed a slight decreasing of student’s classical outcome, allegedly due to the difficulty of subject level. The low and the middle academic group’s score was fluctuative, ascend from the pre-treatment stage to the first cycle and descend to the second cycle. The high academic group’s score was always descended from the pre-treatment stage to the second cycle, revealed that the low and the middle academic’s group was more stable in holding their achievement during the research. Socratic Dialogue brought various effects onto each student’s academic group.. The further research that apply more long standing Socratic Dialogue is highly recommended to study about the changes of student’s outcomes and its affecting factors.