New Product Development For Dummies

Foreword. Introduction. Part I: The Basics of New Product Development. Chapter 1: It Takes a Company. Chapter 2: What Are You Developing, and Why? Chapter 3: Defining Your Product Strategy. Part II: Charting the Ocean of Opportunity for New Products. Chapter 4: What Do Your Customers Really Want? Chapter 5: Turning Your Company into an Idea Factory. Chapter 6: Picking Winners and Losing Losers. Chapter 7: Making the Most of Technology. Chapter 8: Focusing Your NPD Efforts. Part III: Navigating the River of Product Development. Chapter 9: One Foot in Front of the Other: The Product Development Process. Chapter 10: Organizing the NPD Troops. Chapter 11: Managing Your Corporation's NPD Resources. Chapter 12: Using Reviews to Keep Projects on Track. Chapter 13: Launching Products for Market Success. Part IV: New Challenges in Product Development. Chapter 14: Developing Products in the Digital Age. Chapter 15: Product Development Goes Global. Chapter 16: Choose Your Partner! Partners in Product Development. Part V: The Part of Tens. Chapter 17: Ten Ideas on Ways to Test Your New Products. Chapter 18: Ten (Or More) Ways to Track Your Innovation Efforts. Appendix: Business Case Outline. Index.