시스템 엔지니어링 프로세스를 적용한 철도 프로젝트 관리

Most of rail projects have suffered from many issues and problems, usually resulting in an increase of the project costs and/or time scale associated with the project. Today rail projects have much clearer business objectives than the past and face with a difficult situation under which various stakeholders and more complicated technologies are to be reflected and the ways to secure operational competitivity are to be taken account from the start of a project as well, but rail projects are rarely to achieve both the long-term operational performance objectives of railway - reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) - and short-term project delivery objectives - cost and time - at the same time. In cases where the long-term objectives are compromised to fulfill the short-term objectives of a project, it will result in the increase of operational cost due to the deterioration of the overall performance of the railway. In order to deliver what is required in rail projects which cannot avoid the compromise, it is essential to apply a systems engineering approach including system requirements definition, implementation and verification & validation over project lifecycle. This paper is to identify disciplines for a systems engineering approach to be considered from the start of a project and suggest systems engineering processes to be applied over it's lifecycle.