Industrial Lung diseases of Iron and Steel Foundry Workers

current conceptions-he does not, for example, accept the view that house dust extract is an entity which differs from the sum of its components, as Professor Rimington's recent work appears to show. He also makes more use of vaccines, particularly those prepared from stool cultures, than most modem bacteriologists would approve. He is rightly critical of the mis-use of such wellknown terms as' allergy,' ' immunity,'' atopy' and 'psychological'; in an attempt to achieve precision of meaning he has invented a terminology of his own, including 'toxic idiopathy,' ' idiotoxin,' 'pathophane' and 'phylactology.' Although in some cases these terms were actually fathered by Sir Alnroth Wright himself, in the reviewer's opinion their use now only serves to make a difficult subject more confusing. In spite of these minor criticisms the book can be strongly recommended to all who are interested in this important group of diseases. It is an important contribution to the study of allergy presented in an original manner. Messrs. Heinemann are also to be congratulated on its production.,