Empires of Intelligence: Security Services and Colonial Disorder after 1914

List of Illustrations Acknowledgments List of Abbreviations Introduction: Exploring Intelligence and Empire 1. The Development of Intelligence Services and Security Policing in North Africa and the Middle East 2. Past Precedents and Colonial Rule 3. Constructing the Enemy: Intelligence, Islam, and Communism 4. Intelligence and Revolt I: British Security Services and Communal Unrest in Egypt, Iraq, and Sudan 5. Intelligence and Revolt II: French Security Services and Communal Unrest in Morocco and Syria 6. Policing the Desert Frontier: Intelligence, Environment, and Bedouin Communities 7. Intelligence and Urban Opposition in French Territories 8. Disorder in the Palestine Mandate: Intelligence and the Descent to War in the British Middle East 9. Domestic Politics, International Threats, and Colonial Security in French Territories, 1936 1939 Conclusion: Intelligence, Security, and the Colonial State Glossary Notes Selected Bibliography Index