스마트그리드 관련 기술 및 서비스 평가기준 도출 및 AHP 방법을 이용한 상대적 중요도 분석

This study develops the evaluation criteria on technology and service related to smart grid. Four factors in the first hierarchy and fourteen factors in the second hierarchy were determined by reviewing literature and interviewing experts. The extracted criteria are compared each other in order to find relative importance. Pairwise comparisons based on AHP technique were performed and reponses from subjects were analyzed. The results said the order of importance for the first hierarchy was economic factor → stability → technology → social factor. Also the order of importance for the second hierarchy was provided in this paper. The priority of five alternatives of smart grid application was computed by surveying the importance of evaluation criteria in terms of each alternative. After applying obtained importance index of each evaluation criteria, this study presented the priority order (smart transportation → smart renewable → smart power grid → smart electric service → smart place) of 5 alternatives concerning technology and service related to smart grid. The results of this study can be used to determine environmental policy for allocating resources on the projects concerning smart grid technology and service.