독립형 마이크로그리드의 유연한 운영을 위한 스크립트 기반 EMS 설계 및 구현

Nowadays, in islands where electricity should be provided autonomously, stand-alone microgrid technologies using renewable energy such as sunlight generation and wind power generation come into wide use. The microgrid electricity generation using renewable energy is greatly affected by the natural environment of a site. In order to maintain stable electricity supply for fluctuating electricity generation due to natural environment, the energy management via EMS is positively necessary. In existing stand-alone microgrid EMS, system operation logic is not changeable flexibly because compiled or builded codes are released into the EMS of a site, respectively. In this paper, we designed a flexible operating script-based microgrid EMS Framework for various sites and applied it to some island sites. We could confirm its usability.