Pain : clinical manual
Pain Management: Problems and Progress * Basic Mechanisms Underlying the Causes and Effects of Pain (new) * Assessment: Underlying Complexities, Misconceptions, and Practical Tools * Overview of the Three Groups of Analgesics (new) * Acetaminophen and Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (new) * Opioid Analgesics (new) * Adjuvant Analgesics (new) * Procedural Pain Management (new) * Practical Non-drug Approaches to Pain * Substance Abuse (new) * Chronic Nonmalignant Pain * Selected Pain Problems (new) * Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum, and Breast Feeding: Use of Analgesics (new) * Pain in Infants (new) * Pain in the Elderly * Building Institutional Commitment to Improving Pain Management (new) * Appendixes (new) * Web Sites (new) * Opioid Contracts (new) * Terminology (new)