Firefly optimization technique based test scenario generation and prioritization

Model-based testing shows a significant role-play in the area of software testing. This paper presents a new automatic test scenarios generation technique using UML state machine diagram having composite states. The intention of this research is to generate test scenarios for concurrent and composite states in state machines using the proposed algorithm SMToTSG (State Machine To Test Scenarios Generation). We have prioritized the test scenarios using Firefly optimization algorithm. We have used state-based coverage criteria such as state, transition, transition pair coverage to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. The proposed approach is useful for feasible test scenario generation. Generating exhaustive test scenarios for all concurrent interdependent sequences is very difficult. In this paper, we generate the important test scenarios in the presence of concurrency in composite models. After prioritization, we apply Average Percentage Fault Detection (APFD) metric to calculate the efficiency of the prioritized test scenarios