Fertility Restoration in Hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) genotypes under GMS and CMS background to develop F1 hybrids for fresh green purpose.

Utilization of male sterility is one of the important approaches for hybrid development. Nuclear genetic male sterility (GMS) and cytoplasmic genetic male sterility (CMS) was used to study comparative performance for development of green chili purpose hybrids with six diverse male parents for fertility restoration and fruit color. One hybrid from each GMS and CMS was selected being promising based on high heterosis (22.4% and 13.0% over mid parent value, respectievly) and fruit quality characters. Genetics of fertility restoration was accessed based on segregation of fertile: sterile plants in F2 and test cross populations. Fertility restoration in both GMS and CMS was found to be monogenic and dominant in nature, although it was indicative that modifier genes in different backgrounds affected strength of restoration. A cultivar with strong restoration was found to be u ndesirable for fruit quality traits transferred with fertility restoration in F1 (MP 2-3). A very good combiner for fruit quality traits was found to be partial restorer (MP 2-13). This breeding programme identified two excellent restorer lines (one each) for GMS and CMS male sterility system.