The synchronization of respiration and swallow sounds with videofluoroscopy during swallowing

Simultaneous recording of adult subjects sipping small amounts of fluid from a cup have been obtained by videofluoroscopy together with feeding respiratory patterns and swallow sounds from the Exeter Dysphagia Assessment Technique (EDAT). These allowed visual representations of respiration and swallow sounds to be superimposed on a videofluoroscopy recording using a split-screen technique. Sequentially numbered, 1/50 sec, half-frame photographic prints were examined and schematic drawings of the relevant radiographs were made. These were superimposed on to the actual EDAT printed chart of the same swallow event, theri exact time relationship with respiration and cervical swallow sounds being preserved. The results allow events in the barium videofluoroscopy to be related to events in the feeding respiratory pattern and swallow sounds recorded by EDAT.