A novel algorithm for ontology matching

Ontology matching is an essential aspect of the Semantic Web with a goal of finding alignments among the entities of given ontologies. Ontology matching is a necessary step for establishing interoperation and knowledge sharing among Semantic Web applications. In this study we present an algorithm and a tool developed based on this algorithm to find correspondences among entities of input ontologies. The proposed algorithm uses a new lexical similarity measure and also utilizes structural information of ontologies to determine their corresponding entities. The lexical similarity measure generates a bag of words for each entity based on its label and description information. The structural approach creates a grid for each node in the ontologies. The combination of lexical and structural approaches creates the similarity matrix between the source and target ontologies. The proposed algorithm was tested on a well known benchmark and also compared to other algorithms presented in the literature. Our experimental results show the proposed algorithm is effective and outperforms other algorithms.

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