Desertification: Natural Background and Human Mismanagement
Desertification is a problem on whose solution the survival of millions of human lives depend. This book aims to arrive at an understanding of what is commonly called "desertification" - a term which has a connotation of irreversibility - the spreading and emergence of desert-like landscapes. This book proposes the term "land degradation" to replace it and describes in global terms what has happened in the way of land degradation already and what might be done to improve things in the future. Each type of technology used on the land, whether excessive or insufficient, creates its own difficulties, which can be reflected in a decrease in soil productivity and which can eventually lead to land degradation. The book describes the ecozones which have undergone the most severe land degradation and offers an overview of existing phenomena, the mechanisms by which they have reached that stage, and existing solutions. This monograph on ecology, desertification control and geography is intended for practitioners, researchers and students.