Performance comparison of SVC with POD and synchronous generator excitation system to investigate oscillation damping control on the GB transmission system

Energy and environmental issues are two of the greatest challenges facing the world today. In response to energy needs and environmental concerns, renewable energy technologies are now considered the future technologies of choice. Renewable energy is produced from natural sources that are clean and free; however, it is widely accepted that renewable energy is not a solution that is without challenges. An example of this can be seen in the UK where there is much interest amongst generation developers in the construction of new large-scale onshore and offshore wind farms, especially in Scotland. As a part of an analysis of HVDC operating in parallel with AC transmission lines, this paper investigates PSS and SVC oscillation damping control schemes. The simple models presented in this paper represent the HVDC link and SVC as elements within the power system which provide an acceptable interaction with other system elements. In this study, in order to verify the performance of embedded HVDC links in parallel with the AC system and in combination with SVC, and the effect of the IEEE standard excitation model systems, an appropriate simulation for the system is performed using the PSCAD/EMTDC program.