It is well recognized that type checking and in fe rence sys tems are very i mpor t a n t to develop correct programs if the p rogramming languages used are typeless such as Backus F'P, Lisp, Prolog and Smalltalk. In these languages it is s o m e t i m e hard to u n d e r s t a n d programs due to the lack of type informat ion , and we have to resort to costly r un t ime debugging ins tead of efficient compi le t ime error checking for finding program errors. To make the compi l e t ime error checking possible even for such type less languages, it is necessary to have means by which we can know the type i n f o r m a t i o n of the programs wi thout execut ing them. This is called a type in fe rence p rob lem and several works have been reported. Morris and Reynolds considered the p rob lem for a func t iona l language [9],[10] and gave a m e t h o d of finding the types. Milner ex tended their resul ts and proposed a type inference m e t h o d based on the unif icat ion algori thm of Robinson [7],[11]. Thei r approach is to assign a type express ion, which is made of type variables, to each func t ion appearing in the program and get equa t ions which hold a mong these variables. Solving these equat ions give the desired types. Several au thers cons idered the p rob lem for k-calculus based func t iona l languages [2],[6] ,[8] ,[13]. As for Backus FP language, F rank tried to build a sys tem for finding domain and range of func t ions defined by VP programs [3]. Gut tag, Horn ing and Wil l iams cons idered how to perform type checking of FP programs algebraically [4]. Suzuki cons ide red type in fe rence of Small talk [12].
Robin Milner,et al.
A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming
J. Comput. Syst. Sci..
Gordon D. Plotkin,et al.
An ideal model for recursive polymorphic types
Inf. Control..
Mitchell Wand,et al.
A types-as-sets semantics for milner-style polymorphism
Robin Milner,et al.
Principal type-schemes for functional programs
POPL '82.
Norihisa Suzuki,et al.
Inferring types in Smalltalk
POPL '81.
Geoffrey A. Frank.
Specification of data structures for FP programs
FPCA '81.
James J. Horning,et al.
FP with data abstraction and strong typing
FPCA '81.
John C. Reynolds,et al.
Automatic computation of data set definitions
IFIP Congress.
John C. Mitchell,et al.
Coercion and type inference
J. A. Robinson,et al.
A Machine-Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution Principle
John W. Backus,et al.
Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style?: a functional style and its algebra of programs
Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style