Modern Technologies of Biomass Combustion and Pre-treatment for more Efficient Electricity Production: Review and Case Analysis

Biomass combustion and biomass–coal cofiring represents a near-term, low-risk, low-cost, sustainable, renewable energy option that offers reduction in effective CO2 emissions, reduction in SOx and NOx emissions. However, untreated, woody biomass has a relatively low energy density, low bulk density, high moisture content and is difficult to comminute into small particles. As a matter of fact, these properties make biomass preparation and conversion to electricity expensive. Moreover, biomass can absorb moisture during storage and may rot as well. These properties have negative impacts during energy conversion such as lower combustion and electricity generation efficiencies. Therefore, enhancement of biomass properties is advisable not only to improve its inferior characteristics, but also to make it a suitable alternative to fossil fuels. In order to address these problems, biomass is required to be pretreated to improve its quality.