A Proposed Framework to Explore Semantic Relations for Learning Process Management

Thisresearcharguesthatprovidingthestudentswiththesamematerialindifferentmethodsthat correspondtotheirskillswouldguaranteetheirsatisfactionaswellastheirlevelofsuccess.This researchfocusesonthevitalexplorationofthesuitablestudentlearningstylewithrespecttothestudent skills,thetypeofmaterialandtheimpactofintelligenttechniques.Theresearchscopeconsiders thatstudents’skillsarenormallyvariedamongindividuals,thisvariationshouldbeconsideredin thelearningprocess.Theproposedapproachisbasedonthesuccessfulmigrationofdifferentdata acrossthecomponentsandaformaldescriptionofthisdatawaspresentedtoclarifythehomogenous transformationaccordingtotheappliedsteps.Theproposedframeworkhasbeenappliedonasetof studentsandtheresultsrevealedtoaraiseinthestudents’performancerepresentedintheirgrades andtheirsatisfactionlevel. KEywoRdS Association Rules Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Learning Process, Learning Styles, Semantic Relations

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