Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices in the metal smelting and refining industry. Volume I. Executive summary. Final report, May 1974--April 1977
This report is the result of a study commissioned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to assess the waste generation, treatment, and disposal practices in the primary metals industry. These studies serve to provide EPA with: (1) an initial data base concerning the current and projected types and quantities of industrial wastes, applicable treatment and disposal technologies and their associated costs; (2) a data base for technical assistance activities; (3) a background for guidelines development work. The definition of 'potentially hazardous waste' in this study was developed based upon contractor investigations and professional judgment. Thus, the reader is cautioned that the data presented in this report constitutes only the contractor's assessment of the hazardous waste management problems in this industry. The primary and secondary metal smelting and refining categories included in this report are the following: Copper (SIC 3331); Lead (SIC 3332); Zinc (SIC 3333); Aluminum (SIC 3334); Antimony (SIC 3339); Mercury (SIC 3339); Titanium (SIC 3339); Tungsten (SIC 3339); Tin (SIC 3339); Magnesium (SIC 3339); Cadmium (SIC 3339). The primary metal smelting and refining industries use ore concentrates or other natural resources as raw material, whereas the major raw materials for secondary industries is scrap metal.