석유화학공장에서 한국형 위험기반검사에 의한 화학설비의 안전성 평가

As a way of improving the safety of the chemical facilities, the risk based-inspection(RBI) was executed for the facilities of the applied petrochemical plant using KS-RBI Ver. 3.0 program developed based on the API-581 based resource document(BRD). From an evaluation result of KS-RBI program, we could find the evaluation of the process safety management(PSM) for the applied plant, risk of the applied process, risk of static facilities and pipes, and the demage mechanism of the facilities. Also, we could suggest a proper inspection plan(frequency and method of inspection) using the calculated risk and the status of the facilities. Therefore, the applied plant could be achieved a reduced inspection cost by an extension of inspection frequency, improved productivity, improved reliability of the facilities, and a computerized history management.