ITER Shield Blanket Design Activities at SWIP
Abstract. Design works on ITER shield blanket (BM) started at Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP) in the end of 2003 after China joined the ITER negotiation. Two shield blanket modules located in the Neutral Beam (NB) region were developed at SWIP in cooperation with ITER International Team (IT). The first one has a regular trapezoid shape like other outboard modules but with different dimensions. The second module is just beside the NB opening and has a long extension inside the NB duct. It requires Beryllium protection both in the NB duct side and in the main vessel side. While the first module looks like the other regular modules designed by the IT, the second NB module required additional original arrangements of the cooling passages. This module is configured with 4 First Wall (FW) panels, i.e. 3 L-shaped inside the NB duct and one flat FW in the main vessel side. The cooling passages of first L-shape FW panel, which faces both plasma and NB, are studied in detail. Simpler straight tubes could be introduced in the vertical part with a significant improvement of the fabrication. Detailed hydraulic and thermal/stress analysis were carried out to optimize the performance under the intense nuclear heat, the plasma and the diverging NB radiation.