Comprehensive assessment of the specific compounds present in combustion processes. Volume 2. Design for a national survey of emission of specific compounds from coal fired-utility boiler plants. Final report

The emission of several toxic compounds in the polycyclic organic group has been reported from stationary combustion processes. It has been demonstrated that a theoretical potential exists for the formation of these compounds as the results of combustion of coal-refuse, wood, municipal refuse, waste oil, and coal. To investigate this topic further, a pilot study was designed to obtain data on which to base a national survey. The overall objectives of the pilot study were to ascertain the number of combustion sites and the number of days of sampling required at each site to adequately estimate the level and prevalence of these toxic substances in the emissions from combustion processes and to do so at a minimum cost. For each facility a complex, multimedia sampling design was developed for the collection of solid, liquid, and gaseous influents and effluents. In addition, measurements of process parameters were also taken. This design allowed for the estimation of the inputs into the process, the efficiency of the combustion process, and the emissions from the process. Using the estimates of the variability of the resulting data and cost estimates based on the experience gained in the pilot, a national survey design was developed. Samplingmore » is planned for seven coal and nine refuse combustion facilities for 5 days each. Estimates of the levels of toxic substances are anticipated to have a precision of + or - 5 to + or - 60%.« less