Modeling a Multi-Agent Environment Combining Influence Diagrams

Abstract In this paper we show how influence diagrams (IDs) can be combined for modeling a multi-agent environment. Influence diagrams are a compact representation of a joint probability dis-tribution where actions and utilities are explicitly modeled.Combining different IDs which represent individual agents into a global coherent networkrepresenting the entire multi-agent system is a difficult problem. For this purpose we introducetwo approaches and compare them. 1 IntroductionIn this paper we address the problem of modeling the environment and other agents inmulti-agent systems (MAS). Existing formalisms such as the Markov game model [1, 2]suffer from combinatorial explosion, since they learn values for combinations of actions ofall the agents. We suggest to use influence diagrams [3] (also known as decision networks)to avoid this problem of tractability.We will discuss the problem of modeling the environment and other agents acting in theenvironment in the context of Markov Games [1, 2]. The Markov game model is definedby a set of states S, and a collection of action sets A